Devil’s Lettuce

Devil’s Lettuce is an anthology of poems, short stories, and streams of consciousness writings written whilst under the influence of THC, collected and presented under the pseudonym of Mary-Jane.

Physical copies are available through Amazon. Digital editions can be purchased through Amazon, Ko-fi, Google Play Books, or with PayPal below.

Published: August 25th, 2020

Cost: £4.50 (pb) ¦ £0.99+ (ebook)

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Devil’s Lettuce (.mobi)

An anthology of poems, short stories, and stream of consciousness writings that have been written whilst under the influence of THC. This collection showcases stoned writings from around the UK and further afield, with all submissions rendered anonymous and compiled under the pseudonym of Mary-Jane.


Devil’s Lettuce (.PDF)

An anthology of poems, short stories, and stream of consciousness writings that have been written whilst under the influence of THC. This collection showcases stoned writings from around the UK and further afield, with all submissions rendered anonymous and compiled under the pseudonym of Mary-Jane.
