Questions I’m desperate for answers from in a Wednesday season 2

Naturally, this blog post is going to contain spoilers for Netflix’s Wednesday, so if you haven’t watched the series yet, proceed with caution.

Continue reading “Questions I’m desperate for answers from in a Wednesday season 2”

Game of Thrones finale: my thoughts, reactions, explanations.

A lot of people have been unhappy with the final season of HBO’s epic Game of Thrones, and honestly, I get it, I understand why; but I am not one of those people. So I thought I’d explain why, talk about my opinions of the series and the unanswered questions I (and many others) have.

This post will be spoiler heavy, for both the series finale and some of the aspects of the novels, so don’t read ahead if such spoilers will bother you.

Continue reading “Game of Thrones finale: my thoughts, reactions, explanations.”